Transformation Happens in the Letting Go and Also...

We are always hearing about the need to let go and move on. To get to a new place(physical or emotional) you need to let go of something, and this often translates into change. It can be any kind of change, like changing a pattern or way of thinking, starting over, changing careers, ending a relationship, stopping a behavior that is not good for us, grieving something or get the idea.

When we are in the “letting go”, we go to this place I will call the In-Between. This is a place where we feel kinda lost, we are not sure what direction we are going, or if our efforts of “moving on” are working(why is it not working fast enough?). To be in the in-between means to feel uncomfortable, scared, vulnerable, and hopeful all at the same time with varying degrees of intensity. We are not in the same place we wanted to leave nor are we yet where we want to be. We are in the “process”, and this sensation of being adrift, of uncertainty, of moving between places is where a window opens and transformation happens.

The reason transformation can happen is because there is a less spoken about part here, the Inviting In. If you are letting go of something, that means you are opening space. If you are opening space, that means something new can come, and that something new is what you have been dreaming and yearning for.

When you are letting go, don’t leave yourself empty, you also need to Invite In and intentionally nurture yourself. Letting go, leaving behind, and moving on… can feel depleting, and that is why we should also consider the second part of the transformation. Consider these questions: What makes you feel alive and with what do you want to fill this opening in yourself?

We all need internal and external resources (people, emotional support, community, inner resilience, professional support, etc) to get to the other side of our transformation, take a moment and consider what are those for you. Are you inviting in enough or does it feel like you need more attention in some areas?

So if you are in the process of letting go, I want to invite you to Invite In. There is a new you who is becoming, What will you invite in to help that newness come to life? What will support the transformation in you?


Confidence: Starts With Safety Within


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